To limit the probability that grease or residues from commercial cooking equipment exhaust systems will accumulate on the blades of the exhaust fan, which could lead to its misalignment or improper operation, which could lead to the generation of sparks or heat and the ignition of combustible residues or explosive vapours or mists, which could lead to a fire or explosion, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that grease or residues from commercial cooking equipment exhaust systems will accumulate inside the exhaust ductwork, which could lead to the obstruction of the ventilation system and the reduction of its exhaust capacity, which could lead to an explosive atmosphere, which, in the presence of a source of ignition, could lead to an explosion, which could lead to harm to persons.
To limit the probability that grease or residues from commercial cooking equipment exhaust systems will accumulate inside the exhaust ductwork, which could lead to an increase in the combustible content [and fire severity], which could lead to the spread of fire in the ductwork to other parts of the building, which could lead to harm to persons.