
OS1 Fire Safety


(a)[F10,F12-OS1.5][F12-OS1.2]Applies to familiarity with the condition of the exits.
(b)[F10,F12-OS1.5][F12-OS1.2]Applies to the means of egress being kept clear.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability that exits or means of egress will be obstructed in a fire emergency, which could lead to persons being delayed or impeded in evacuating the building, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To limit the probability that exits or means of egress will be obstructed in a fire emergency, which could lead to emergency responders being delayed or impeded in performing their duties, which could lead to:

  • the spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons, and
  • delays in evacuation or movement to a safe place, which could lead to harm to persons.

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