Intent 1:
To supersede the requirements of Sentence and permit the display of fuelled equipment if
certain measures are taken.
This is to limit
the probability that:
- connected batteries will be a source of ignition, which
could lead to the ignition of the flammable liquids, combustible liquids
or Class 2.1 flammable gases, which could lead to a fire or explosion,
- tampering with fuel tanks will occur [e.g. ignition
source such as a lighted match or lighted cigarette will be thrown
into the fuel tank], which could lead to the ignition of the flammable
liquids, combustible liquids or Class 2.1 flammable gases, which could
lead to a fire or explosion.
This is to limit the probability of:
- harm to persons, and
- impairment of means of egress, which could lead to delays
in evacuation or movement to a safe place, which could lead to harm
to persons.