Intent 1:
To supersede the requirements of Sentence and permit the display of propane fuelled automotive
vehicles if certain measures are taken.
is to limit the probability that:
- the fuel tank or associated gas supply line will not
operate as originally intended, which could lead to the unwanted release
and subsequent ignition of the propane gas, which could lead to a
fire or explosion,
- the fuel tank will be overfilled, which could lead to
the unwanted release of propane gas, which could lead to the gas being
ignited by a nearby ignition source, which could lead to a fire or
- tampering with the fuel tank filling connections will
occur, which could lead to the unwanted release and subsequent ignition
of the propane gas, which could lead to a fire or explosion, and
- connected batteries will be a source of ignition, which
could lead to the ignition of the flammable liquids, combustible liquids
or Class 2.1 flammable gases, which could lead to a fire or explosion.
This is to limit the probability of:
- harm to persons, and
- impairment of means of egress, which could lead to delays
in evacuation or movement to a safe place, which could lead to harm
to persons.