
OS1 Fire Safety



Intent 1:

To limit the probability of unsafe storage practices, or accidental mixing or mishandling of products, which could lead to a fire or explosion, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders.

Intent 2:

To limit the probability of unsafe storage practices, or accidental mixing or mishandling of products, which could lead to inappropriate emergency response actions in a fire situation, which could lead to the spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders.

Intent 3:

To limit the probability that the fire load of the products will not be controlled or limited, which could lead to the ineffectiveness of automatic or manual firefighting operations in a fire situation involving the stored products, which could lead to the spread of fire beyond its area of origin, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders.

Intent 4:

To limit the probability that aisle widths will be inadequate, which could lead to firefighting operations being delayed or ineffective, which could lead to the spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons, including emergency responders.

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