
OS1 Fire Safety



Intent 1:

To exempt certain services from the application of Sentence, which would otherwise require that services be shut off or disconnected, if certain measures are taken, on the basis that these services are needed during excavation.

This [the measures] is to limit the probability that:

  • services will be operated in an unsafe manner, which could lead to a fire or explosion, which could lead to harm to persons,
  • services will be physically damaged [e.g. damage to fuel lines causing an unwanted leak], which could lead to a fire or explosion, which could lead to harm to persons,
  • supporting structure for the services will fail, which could lead to damage to the services [e.g. fuel pipe failure or exposure of electrical lines], which could lead to a fire or explosion, which could lead to harm to persons, and
  • water services will be physically damaged, which could lead to an inadequate water supply to fire suppression systems [sprinklers, standpipes, yard hydrants] in a fire situation, which could lead to the fire not being suppressed or controlled, which could lead to the spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.

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