

The 2015 editions of the National Model Construction Codes are presented in an “objective-based code” format that is structured in three Divisions (A, B and C). The Codes contain explicitly defined objectives and functional statements (see Division A), which are statements on the functions that the components of a building or facility must perform and the objectives that these functions must satisfy. Most of the Code provisions in Division B—called acceptable solutions—are linked to at least one of those objectives and functional statements. The sets of objectives and functional statements are referred to as “attributions.”

The attributions are developed through a process called “bottom-up analysis,” which involves the analysis of each provision in Division B of the Codes to determine its intent and then derive the applicable objectives and functional statements. The bottom-up analysis is carried out by the standing committees of the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) with extensive support from the staff of Codes Canada at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC).

Intent statements serve explanatory purposes only and do not form an integral part of the Codes. They contain useful information not available elsewhere that helps Code users understand the rationale behind each requirement. This contributes to a more accurate interpretation and application of acceptable solutions and a clearer understanding of what alternative solutions should achieve.

The intent statements are included in the electronic versions of the Codes and are available for viewing by users of the printed versions of the Codes through the Codes-Guides Library.

Understanding the Content of the Supplement to the NECB 2015: Intent Statements

Only the provisions in Parts 3 to 8 of Division B of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) (excluding the explanatory Notes) have intent statements.

Clicking on a Sentence reference in the left-hand portion of the screen brings up an analysis window on the right-hand side, which contains that Sentence’s applicable attribution(s) and intent statement(s).

Code Reference

For the most part, entire Sentences are analyzed as units of text. In such cases, only the Sentence number is identified in the analysis window, and the actual text of the Sentence can be found in the Code. In some instances, however, the analysis applies to only a portion of a Sentence; in such cases, the Clause or Subclause being analyzed is identified in the field entitled “Attribution,” or the portion of text being analyzed is quoted or summarized in that field and introduced by the phrase “Applies to.”


The objective attributed to the provisions or portions of provisions in Division B is derived from the bottom-up analysis. Each analysis window contains a tab displaying the acronym for the objective (OE1). Clicking on the tab reveals a panel containing the information related to that objective attribution.

Some provisions or portions of provisions in Division B have no objective attributed to them. In such instances, the analysis window will contain a tab displaying the symbol “+” rather than the objective acronym.


The specific functional statements and sub-objectives attributed to the text being analyzed are presented in square brackets in the Attribution field. If the attribution(s) and intent statement(s) apply to the entire Sentence, no explanatory text will appear before or after the square brackets; if they apply to only a portion of a Sentence, the square brackets will either be preceded by the Clause or Subclause identifier, or followed by a phrase beginning with “Applies to,” which specifies which portion of the Sentence the attribution(s) and intent statement(s) apply to.


An intent statement explains the purpose of a provision or portion of provision found in Division B. It reveals what the standing committee was trying to achieve by introducing the Code provision in the first place or what the Code-user community has come to understand as the reason for the provision’s existence.

Generally speaking, intent statements present the consequences of non-compliance with a requirement using a standardized set of phrases and terms. They try to answer the question “What are the undesirable thing(s) that might happen if this provision is not complied with?” In many cases, the initial consequences of non-compliance may lead to a chain of consequences; the link between those consequences and the overall objective of the provision may only become apparent in the description of the latter consequences in the chain. All functional statements and the objective identified in Division A and attributed to the provisions in Division B are derived from the intent statements.

Not all Code provisions are technical requirements; some act as definitions, clarifications, application modifiers or pointers to another provision. In such cases, the intent statement explains the role the provision plays in the Code, and there is no chain of consequences. These types of provisions have no objective or functional statements attributed to them. Note A- in Division B provides information on how these types of provisions are interpreted.

“To Limit the Probability”

Many of the hazards and undesirable events the National Model Construction Codes address, such as deterioration, spread of fire and heat loss, can only be minimized, retarded or controlled through compliance; other undesirable events, such as the ignition of fire or structural collapse, can never be prevented with absolute assurance. This is why the phrase “to limit the probability” is used in the intent statements rather than “to prevent.”

Using the phrase “to prevent” would mean that it is possible to comply fully with a requirement but still not meet its intent. The phrase “to limit the probability” was therefore adopted to clearly convey the notion that the Codes do not and cannot provide absolute protection.