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ObjectiveOP1 Fire Protection of the Building
[F20,F80-OP1.1] Applies where stucco is applied to masonry chimneys.
Application 1: 
Temperature of the substrate for stucco, on buildings to which Part 9 applies [see Sentence of Division A for application of Part 9].
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Intent 1: 
To limit the probability of inadequate strength of the base coat to provide support for subsequent coats [as required by Sentence], which could lead to an inability to resist gravity, lateral, impact or abrasion loads, or freeze-thaw stresses, which could lead to the cracking of stucco.
Where stucco is applied to masonry chimneys, this is to limit the probability of precipitation or meltwater ingress, which could lead to the premature failure of chimney liners, which could lead to the escape of heat or flames, which could lead to the ignition of combustible building components, which could lead to damage to the building. [See intent for Sentence]
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