
  1. OS1
  2. OP1
  3. OS3


OS1 Fire Safety



Intent 1:

To limit the probability that building services [e.g. gas, electrical and heating installations] will be damaged during excavation, which could lead to the start or spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To limit the probability that open valves will lead to the accidental release of liquid or vapour [e.g. from gas or fuel lines], which could lead to the accumulation and subsequent ignition of vapour, which could lead to the start or spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 3:

To limit the probability that the type of service will not be readily identified, which could lead to the misuse of the services [e.g. the unwanted opening of a valve and release of liquid or vapour], which could lead to the start or spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.

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