
  1. OS2
  2. OP2
  3. OH1
  4. OH4
  5. OS3


OH4 Vibration and Deflection Limitation


[F20,F22-OH4]Applies to floors and elements that support floors.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability of inadequate end bearing area, which could lead to excessive localized stress, which could lead to:

  • crushing of concrete at the base of the footing (or of wood at the top, where a column supports a wood beam), or
  • shear failure of wood beams (parallel to the grain), which could lead to the structural failure of beams.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • compromised structural integrity, or
  • for environmental separators or elements supporting an environmental separator, the displacement or failure of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to the deterioration of building elements.

For floors and elements supporting floors, this to limit the probability of excessive deflection or vibration of floors, which could lead to negative effects on the psychological well-being of persons.

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