
  1. OH1
  2. OS2
  3. OP2
  4. OS1
  5. OH4
  6. OS3


OS3 Safety in Use


[F20-OS3.1]Applies to floors and elements that support floors.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability of localized over-stressing and crushing of wood plates under concentrated roof or floor loads transmitted through framing elements, which could lead to inadequate load distribution, which could lead to over-stressing of hollow masonry units, which could lead to cracking of such units.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • compromised structural integrity of masonry construction,
  • where masonry construction is part of an environmental separator, the displacement or failure of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to deterioration,
  • in assemblies exposed to moisture or the exterior, damage and deterioration, or
  • an inability to resist expected loads, which could lead to excessive deflection or vibration of floors.

For floors and elements supporting floors, this is to limit the probability of persons losing their balance, tripping or falling, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To exempt situations where another means of distributing roof and floor loads is provided from the application of Sentence

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