
  1. OH1
  2. OS2
  3. OP2
  4. OS1
  5. OH4
  6. OS3


OS2 Structural Safety


[F20,F80-OS2.3]Applies to elements that support or are part of an environmental separator.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability of:

  • concentrations of stress from horizontal loads acting on ties that are vertically aligned, which could lead to cracking, or
  • inadequate embedment of ties in mortar.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • buckling or tensile failure of the ties,
  • an inadequate resistance to tensile or compressive loads,
  • water ingress from rain or melting snow along ties, which could lead to the corrosion or rotting of structural building elements, or
  • the exposure of ties to water, which could lead to the corrosion of ties.

This is to limit the probability of compromised structural integrity, which could lead to:

  • structural failure of masonry construction, or
  • where masonry construction is part of an environmental separator, the excessive deformation, displacement or failure of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to deterioration, which could lead to further compromised structural integrity.

This is to limit the probability of harm to persons.

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