Intent 1:
To limit the probability of the inadequate splicing
of ceiling joists, which could lead to ceiling joist splices being
unable to resist the tension forces imposed by expected gravity and
lateral loads on rafters, which could lead to the lower end of rafters
moving outward, which could lead to:
- the failure of roof rafters or joists, or supporting
walls, or
- the excessive deflection of roof rafters or joists,
which could lead to damage to roofing.
This is to limit the probability of
compromised structural integrity, which could lead to:
- the structural collapse of wood-frame construction,
- where supporting walls serve as an environmental separator
or ceiling joists support elements of an environmental separator,
the excessive deformation, displacement or failure of required environmental
separation elements, which could lead to deterioration, which could
lead to further compromised structural integrity of roofs or environmental
This is to limit the probability of:
- the space being unsuitable for its intended use,
- compromised operation of windows or doors, or
- damage to the building.