Intent 1:
To limit the probability of inadequate strength
of cementitious material, which could lead to the dislodgement of
tiles or the ingress of water behind tiles, which could lead to compromised
protection for moisture-vulnerable substrates, which could lead to
the deterioration of the substrate, which could lead to studs being
unable to resist expected impact, gravity or lateral loads.
This is to limit the probability of the deformation or detachment
of interior finishes, which could lead to:
- where the substrate for the tile contributes to the
required bracing or lateral support for studs, the buckling or racking
of walls, which could lead to structural failure, or
- where the substrate for the tile serves as a required
environmental separation element, the excessive deformation, displacement
or failure of such elements, which could lead to further deterioration,
which could lead to further compromised structural integrity.
This is to limit the probability of:
- the space being unsuitable for its intended use,
- compromised operation of doors or windows, or
- damage to the building.