
  1. OH1
  2. OS3
  3. OH4
  4. OS2
  5. OS1
  6. OS2
  7. OH1
  8. OH4


OS2 Structural Safety



Intent 1:

To limit the probability of an inadequate resistance to expected structural loads and the effects of those loads, and to deterioration, which could lead to:

  • insufficient strength, which could lead to:
    • compromised structural integrity, or
    • damage to or deterioration of building elements, or
  • the displacement, deflection or vibration of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to:
    • air infiltration and exfiltration,
    • condensation,
    • precipitation ingress, or
    • moisture ingress from the ground.

This is to limit the probability of structural failure, which could lead to harm to persons.

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