
  1. OS2
  2. OP2
  3. OH1
  4. OH4
  5. OS3
  6. OS1


OS3 Safety in Use


[F20,F61-OS3.1]Applies where structural wood elements support or are used in floors.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability that performance, with respect to the protection of structural wood elements from termite infestation or decay, will fall significantly below expectations.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • compromised structural integrity, or
  • where structural wood elements support or are used in an environmental separator, the displacement or failure of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to the deterioration of building elements, which could lead to compromised structural integrity.

Where structural wood elements support or are used in floors, this is to limit the probability of excessive deflection or vibration of floors, which could lead to persons losing their balance, tripping or falling, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To limit the application of the standard to situations where the limited protection provided by a boron preservative will be adequate.

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