
  1. OS2
  2. OH1
  3. OS2
  4. OH1


OS2 Structural Safety


(b)(i),(c)(ii)[F61,F62-OS2.3]Applies to cladding installed outboard of a drained and vented air space.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability of an inadequate dissipation of precipitation or meltwater to the exterior, which could lead to the excessive accumulation of moisture.

This is to limit the probability of deterioration, which could lead to compromised structural integrity of exterior walls or elements protected by exterior walls, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To limit the application of Sentence, where the wall assembly is constructed such that:

  • precipitation or meltwater ingress at horizontal joints will be minimized, or
  • moisture that bypasses the cladding will be dissipated.
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