
  1. OS3
  2. OH1


OH1 Indoor Conditions



Intent 1:

To limit the probability that the performance of heating-season mechanical ventilation systems will fall significantly below expectations.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • inadequate ventilation, or
  • the inadequate control of relative humidity.

This is to limit the probability of the inadequate control of:

  • indoor air temperatures,
  • airborne pollutants,
  • oxygen and other components necessary for breathable air, or
  • condensation, which could lead to the generation of pollutants from biological growth or from materials that become unstable on wetting.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • negative effects on the air quality of indoor spaces, or
  • the inadequate thermal comfort of persons.

This is to limit the probability of harm to persons.

Intent 2:

[Clause] To direct Code users to good practice options, such as those contained in CAN/CSA-F326-M, for the design of heating-season mechanical ventilation systems.

Intent 3:

[Clause] To state the application of Subsection 9.32.3., which contains requirements for heating-season mechanical ventilation systems in dwelling units with 5 or fewer bedrooms.

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