Intent 1:
To limit the probability that walls, floors and
ceilings will be improperly constructed with regard to heat transfer,
air leakage and condensation control, which could lead to::
- excessively low temperatures of interior surfaces or
within wall, ceiling or floor assemblies, which could lead to condensation,
- excessive air infiltration and exfiltration,
- excessive airborne vapour transfer from interior above
ground and exterior below ground,
- precipitation ingress due to air pressure differences,
- uncontrolled diffusion of water vapour from air in heated
space into insulated wall, ceiling and floor assemblies, which could
lead to condensation,
- inadequate moisture diffusion, venting, or drainage
of moisture to the exterior, which could lead to condensation, or
- compromised thermal performance of components intended
to provide resistance to heat transfer.
This is to limit the probability of condensation, which
could lead to deterioration, which could lead to compromised structural
integrity of assemblies acting as environmental separators, which
could lead to harm to persons.