
  1. OH1
  2. OS2
  3. OS1
  4. +


OS2 Structural Safety



Intent 1:

To limit the probability that the performance of windows, doors and skylights will fall significantly below expectations with respect to:

  • resistance to air pressure loads, which could lead to excessive deflection,
  • resistance to structural loads including snow loads on skylights or where windows have sloped or near-horizontal components, which could lead to insufficient strength, and
  • resistance to water penetration loads and the capability to dissipate water, which could lead to precipitation ingress or condensation.

This is to limit the probability of:

  • damage or structural failure due to snow loads on skylights or where windows have sloped or near-horizontal components,
  • compromised structural integrity of window, door or skylight assemblies and adjacent exterior wall assemblies, or
  • precipitation ingress or condensation, which could lead to deterioration, which could lead to compromised structural integrity of such assemblies and adjacent exterior wall assemblies.

This is to limit the probability of harm to persons.

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