
  1. +
  2. OS1
  3. OP1
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  5. OS1
  6. OP1


OS1 Fire Safety


[F03-OS1.2][F04-OS1.2,OS1.3]Applies to portion of Code text: “... a) ... floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, ...” and to Clause (c).


Intent 1:

To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 2:

To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 3:

To limit the probability that loadbearing walls, columns and arches exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the failure or collapse of supported floor assemblies, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.

Intent 4:

To limit the probability that floor assemblies exposed to fire will prematurely fail or collapse, which could lead to the spread of fire from a lower storey of a building to an upper storey or to the exterior of the building during the time required to achieve occupant safety and for emergency responders to perform their duties, which could lead to harm to persons.

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