
  1. OS2
  2. OH1
  3. OS1
  4. OP2


OS1 Fire Safety


[F20,F22-OS1.2]Applies where interior finishes are required to act as fire protection for foamed plastics or to contribute to the required fire resistance of assemblies.


Intent 1:

To limit the probability of insufficient strength, which could lead to an inability to resist expected gravity loads, which could lead to the excessive sagging of gypsum board.

This is to limit the probability of the deformation or detachment of interior finishes, which could lead to:

  • where interior finishes are required to protect foamed plastics, a loss of fire protection, or
  • where interior finishes are installed to contribute to the required fire resistance of assemblies, a loss of fire resistance.

This is to limit the probability of the growth and spread of fire, which could lead to harm to persons.

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