
  1. OH2


OH2 Sanitation



Intent 1:

To limit the probability that:

  • inadequate size will lead to inadequate water volume, which could lead to inadequate water for cleaning or washing,
  • termination below ground will lead to backflow of groundwater into potable water systems,
  • inadequate protection from mechanical damage, will lead to damage to below-ground pipes during installation or removal of mobile homes, which could lead to leakage or backflow of groundwater into potable water systems,
  • inadequate protection from frost-related movement will lead to damage to below-ground pipes, which could lead to backflow of groundwater into potable water systems, or
  • the lack of a curb stop and a means of draining pipes, which could lead to freezing of water trapped inside pipes, which could lead to damage to pipes, which could lead to backflow of groundwater into potable water systems.

This is to limit the probability of unsanitary conditions, which could lead to harm to persons.

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